If someone accuses you of being pretentious: give up! Because calling someone pretentious is the trump card of everything.
"You dare deviate from my accepted norms? How pretentious!"
If you try and argue, you just prove their point... because only a pretentious person would deny being pretentious.
Fred: "You know, I think that-"
Bob: "Ah! Ah! Pretentious!!"
Fred: "Shit. I got nothing."
Bob: "See?"
"You dare deviate from my accepted norms? How pretentious!"
If you try and argue, you just prove their point... because only a pretentious person would deny being pretentious.
Fred: "You know, I think that-"
Bob: "Ah! Ah! Pretentious!!"
Fred: "Shit. I got nothing."
Bob: "See?"