Monday, March 22, 2010

Headed west to the P dot, stayed about three stones' throws from the ocean. Beaches abound. I can't remember which night it was, but we made use of one of the public bbqs in the park. Those would never fly back home... it's too litigious an environment. Idiots would either blow the things up or burn themselves, then blame the municipality because "it's their fault for putting them there". In this part of the world, people are given this sort of responsibility, and they don't seem to abuse it. Also, the cities around here look really good, not lacking in public art.

We got to a neat market yesterday, and the day before was spent beaching and biking here. The island has a sad history as you can see. We mostly involved ourselves in the nature aspect... even met a few of these adorable little critters. What else... saw some incredible sunsets and drank a not-insignificant quantity of beer. I spent my downtime reading this book and watching strange sports on TV. Oh, also: we had hoped to see these guys the other night, but it was sold out. We did "see" them I guess... at the airport yesterday, leaving for their next gig.

Now we're back in the M dot until I think Sunday. It feels like early September. I've picked up presents for a few friends and family. I'll have to disappoint some of my friends I guess, but there is too much cool stuff here, and I wouldn't have room to bring it all back even if I could afford to. I guess a boat full of beer would be a good thing to take back.

Speaking of shows I want to see here... I scored tickets for all of us, including N's parents. I hope they know what they're getting into! They probably haven't heard anything like him before... shit, I don't think I have, either.

Jumping from late winter to summery "fall" makes me want to barbecue in a major way. When we get home, this will happen.


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