Animal Athletes
Did it save someone's life? I doubt it. I've never understood the public's fascination with high-profile race horses. Why the special affection? Which animals deserve it and which don't? I guess the big ones that run fast and are pretty deserve it. It's common for celebrity adulation being directed at humans, but not animals. Occasionally you hear about a dog saving a little kid from a fire or something. That's newsworthy, I suppose. And of course we all love our own pets dearly. I just don't understand how race horses capture people's hearts the way they do.
Let me add that I have nothing but respect for the species, in general. Modern civilization was made possible by the horse, and they are majestic looking creatures to say the least. It's just weird to hear them talked about the same way one would talk about a movie star. People: The Horse Runs Fast. Other than that, it's no different from you or me. That, and the fact that it's a horse.
This post is a great example of how far downhill my blog has gone. Shit man, nobody even commented on those FUCKING AWESOME Hercules cartoons.