Monday, April 23, 2007

Raspberry Party

This Friday, April 27th our house celebrates one year with Yram (and almost a year with Rocco) and wishes her luck in the future, as she is leaving town soon. We will do this by barbecuing and unleashing our raspberry homebrew upon the thirsty/cheapskate masses. The party will also serve to welcome the newest member of the Fjort family, Danny C. We'll start this around suppertime. Bring some food if you like.

A word of warning: Beardo won't be able to make it until after 11pm, and we don't tend to inaugurate a new beer without him, so bring something to tide yourself over until then.

Another warning: if you have a strong aversion to coconut (like an allergy or something), you should not drink the homebrew as it contains one can of coconut milk... spread over 20-some L mind you, but still. In our bottling day taste test, neither Dyn-o-mite nor myself could discern much of a coconut flavour, but there may be textural implications.

The Fjort: Singlehandedly Keeping The Charcoal Industry Afloat Since 2006


Blogger 1233 said...

The Fjort: Singlehandedly Keeping The Charcoal Industry Afloat Since 2006

I'm amazed that you can rock a charcoal BBQ on a weekly basis (or even more?). Getting a mini-propane BBQ has been the best thing ever.

1:10 PM  
Blogger the baron ash von foolishness said...

The mini-prop is a solid investment. Cooks just as well, if not better, and is quite a bit cleaner. I'm just hooked on the charcoal smell/taste. Reminds me of my early youth, before the family graduated to propane. Hey, it was the 70s.

5:43 PM  

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