Thursday, May 25, 2006

How It's Shaping Up

Monday Night: Nap, GS jam
Result: Set practised, minus one song. Real sleep not happening due to nap.

Tuesday: Work, postering, GS jam, movie/hockey game watching at Ube's
Result: Coffee and "on feet all day" shift kept things lively. Postering of downtown/NE successful. Partial set refresher, new cover learned at practice. Warhol's Trash was as good as I remembered. Oilers won. (footnote: Ube is a special guy. Anyone who'd watch a Warhol flick followed by a hockey game, and enjoy both, is worthy of my commendations). A late night.

Wednesday: Work, minimal postering, nap, BB jam, more postering, internet catch-up
Result: Was pretty much done by the end of my shift. Couldn't even walk home (bus taken). Fell asleep immediately. Successful jam; more fun when not struggling with songs that refuse to write themselves. BB songwriting would not be a one-hour class. It would be a summer-long immersion program. Postering of Cent H successful. Real sleep not happening due to nap --> internet catch-up.

Thursday: Work, postering, BB jam, meaningful sleep
Result (in progress): Coffee, music made work possible today. Postering is now over. Thank god I don't have enough time to nap. BB jam will likely be of a set-refreshing nature.

Outlook For Friday: Work, move gear, BB show, move gear, GS show, optional drink, sleep

Outlook For Saturday: Sleep, 30% chance of free time in afternoon, BB out of town show, radio, optional drink, sleep

Long Range Forecast For Sunday: Sleep, Mexican lunch with Em & Slappa. Heavy laundry warning in effect for early evening.

The preceding blog was inspired by science journals, Environment Canada and the novel "These Days I Seem To Think A Lot". It was brought to you by the letter 'Y'.


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