Friday, May 19, 2006


I'm enjoying the current living situation, but ultimately I'd like to have my own place. Having spent Jan-April badly underusing a 2-bdr apartment, I've arrived at the conclusion that a bachelor is the way to go. A friend recommended a particular one. Location/cost/practicalty-wise, it seemed like a can't miss. I went and had a look today. Beautiful apartment, but very tiny. I'm tempted to take it anyway, just because I hate apartment hunting and the sooner (read: further from September 1st) I can settle on something, the better.

If I take this place, several things will have to happen. I may need a smaller couch. I may need a smaller bed (smaller than dbl?? geez I friggin' hope not). The futon may have to go. There will have to be shelving to the ceiling, everywhere. Records next to blenders. Old MRRs sticking out of coffee pots.

This is the price of laziness. Actually, it's less about laziness than my dislike of negotiating with strangers who have something I want. What to do, what to do...


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