Friday, October 26, 2007

Unser Haus

I really like where I live. The place gets a little dirty sometimes, but it seems like we all have the same threshhold for what is too much.

I was doing some vacuuming today (!) and the thought occurred to me that since people have been drifting in and out of here for who knows how many years, it's probably been a long time since the house has seen a really rigorous, move-out style cleaning. Not that I care.

Since I'm either not here or hanging out in my room, the state of the place doesn't bother me too much. And the rent is a bargain. It's like I have some cheap cable deal where I only pay for the three channels I actually watch.

I feel like there's a bit of a tradeoff though. For example, would I ever bring my parents here? I suppose there's no reason why I shouldn't, but I'd hate to have to field questions about age and lifestyle. I guess it wouldn't be like them to do that anyhow.

No, this is a good situation, with good people. I think we're in a position that we can keep it that way for quite a while.


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