Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Word "Gay"

It's often used to describe banal things in a negative way. Do I judge an otherwise well-meaning person harshly for doing this? No, but I don't use that vernacular myself. The last time I did, it was around someone who actually was. I didn't know at the time, but when I found out I felt really shitty. He didn't seem offended, but still.

I'm just not a fan of that particular use of language. Ironically, when my brother and I were roommates, we called each other the f-word constantly. Of course, we know each other very well, and he's no homophobe. But in just about any other context... no.

Racial slurs are very specific, but plenty of straight people get called the f-word. Does one, therefore, have to be gay to "reclaim" this word? In my opinion, no. But it is a word that's normally used only by neanderthals. So if you're going to use it sarcastically or ironically, you'd better be sure the context is clear to everyone in earshot, whether they know you or not.

This was a weird thing to write about. Less random than my normal fare.


Blogger Beardo said...

c**ksuckers = either homosexuals or hetero women.

Not so fond of that one either.

2:31 PM  
Blogger the baron ash von foolishness said...

None of those words are any good. I think with my brother and I, we were mocking rednecks more than anything. I probably wouldn't do that today, even with him, in private. I'm way more sensitive to things like that compared to before. I don't even like to use the word "bitch" anymore. That one's on its way out.

2:47 AM  

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