Thursday, September 28, 2006

Pumkpin Ale Tasting Party

It will happen early next week. Maybe at Beardo's place, maybe here. Barbecuing may occur, but it won't be the main event.

The brewery told me it should be ready by Monday. It would likely be growler-only that day, since bottling takes time. Only a few hundred litres have been made, so we've got to get on this.

I don't want to plan a party for Monday, in case the product is not ready. But I will visit the store after work on that day, and hopefully fill up the growler. Once I have evidence of the brew's existence, 24 hours' notice shall be given for the party (if it's at my place). Anyone who wants some should get to the store during that time.

What I Picture For The Party:

I think we ought to barbecue, socialize and/or drink other beverages until a certain hour, say, 9pm (or later, depending on how many people have conflicts). At that time, I think everyone who's been waiting to try it should all take a drink at once. That is, after an awesome toast.

This is a lot of hype. I think the beer will live up to it, but even if it does not, getting super-hyped up about something is kind of fun in and of itself.

Updates to follow.


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