Sunday, August 20, 2006

Lazy Sunday Afternoons

It's raining. I have nothing to do, yet no responsibilities. It's a nice afternoon to flake out around the house watching movies and chipping away at some menial chores. This kind of afternoon goes best with the company of someone special, if such a person is around.

I did my part to start cleaning out the fridge by eating some random leftovers. I think this agenda in itself made them taste (even) less good.

I spent my time watching a movie made outside of North America. I often pick out random foreign-language movies to watch because I find them less predictable and often less pretentious than domestic films. I've found some gems that way.

Then I threw on a crappy concert dvd of a well-known German electro group. It's one angle from far away, and they don't exactly move around much. The sound is good though. Nice to have on in the background while engaging in conversation. If applicable.


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