Friday, August 18, 2006

Post-Tech Issues Dream

In the dream there is this black metal band that has it in for me. Everywhere I go I hear them practising, and I have this unnatural ability to decipher their lyrics. Their songs contain lines such as:

"(my name) we're going to kill you! We're going to rob you and kill you!"

They mention me by name in all of their songs, threatening to disembowel me or something like that.

I take it pretty seriously, and start changing my life to try and avoid their seemingly innumerable jam spots. Then I meet them on the street for the first time. They have corpse paint on, etc etc. One of them comes at me with some sort of weapon, and off the top of my head I start speaking Latin gibberish to them, in a really commanding way. The dude is like "Whoa...", and I've bought myself enough time to escape.

Meetings like this continue, and I use the same tactic. I realize the key to survival is to seem more "evil" than they are. But after awhile they become harder and harder to fool. It's not enough to just speak Latin anymore. Now I have to speak it faster, and gesture more wildly. If I don't act crazier and crazier each time, I'm done for.

They haven't got me yet but I'm starting to wear out. My escape ritual is now the most brutal physical and mental workout imaginable. Then one day even that doesn't work, and they chase me into the woods. I know I've got nothing left in the tank to keep them away.

There's a clearing in the woods where I find a beautiful lake. Then I remember that in this zany dream world, black metal bands can't see through water. I know this is my only escape.

As I dive into the water, I am resigned to the fact that I can never again raise my head above the surface. But I don't feel a sense of panic at the thought of drowning, only incredibly pleasurable relief. Everything slows down as I make contact, and the dream melts away.

This looks comical in print, but I guarantee you it was one scary-ass dream.

Oh yeah, before bed I drank one of these:


Blogger UberDestructinator said...

the reason they were after you is because they heard you were acting all evil by saying things like "thank you satan!" when you dove into the water, you stopped trying to be evil because water represents peacefulness. this dream was just your minds way of telling you to stop trying to be evil because other people will use you to prove themselves. acting tough and evil is a vicious circle. everybody just loses their sanity in this type of competition. i think you should get rid of all of your records, from robert johnson to the white mice. i think you should stop saying "thank you satan" and instead say "thank you, allah for my wonderful parents." i also think that you should only wear the color white. oh yeah, never do drugs, too.

10:26 PM  

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