Monday, June 11, 2007

Day Three

Day three presented more challenges than I'd anticipated. I felt like we'd gone in well-prepared, but a couple of unforseen things came up. We're doing a new song that lacks bass (second drum set instead). We played it well on Saturday, but a second listen revealed a little less low end than we wanted in certain parts. This left us scrambling to come up with an appropriate part as the clock ticked away. My musical learning disabilities were on full display.

Eventually we got the job done and moved on to the final vocal track. It's a new song that really flies in the face of everything we've done to this point (no hints, but it will be the last track on the album). Because it's so left field we were at a loss for how to make the vocals work. We had to "think outside the box", to use an atrocious cliché. The result is a little unorthodox, but awesome.

In the end, the above delays caught up with us and we were not able to finish the job in the alloted three days. Luckily, J was able to pencil us in for a few hours tomorrow night. That should be all we need.

Between takes I wandered off into the woods and made a rock-n-roll inukshuk.

Note the chunk of moss being impaled by a stick. That's supposed to be a guitar. The pointy rock on top is supposed to be a head with a mohawk.

Recording is intense.


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