Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Maine II: The Downtime

Heading south, we required a place to sleep on the next leg of the trip. We used the tried-and-true Ash tactic of taking the first campground we could find - and it was just what we needed. Private, oceanfront, rec room facilities, running water, showers, laundry - and to top it all off, we've been given the opportunity to work for our lodging! The travelling pals and I agreed to work for 3 hours each shoveling wood chips onto walking trails in exchange for two nights' accomodation.

Poison cooked us a healthy meal last night using a Coleman stove. There was reverie and shooting of basketballs. I had a hard time sleeping in the car though, but some Gravol helped. I'm in the opening stages of a cold now. I got about 4 decent hours.

It was too rainy in the morning to start our half of the bargain, so I went into town to log this update. It's stopped now, so the jig is up. We're in Searsport. Tomorrow we continue south.


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