Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I'm quitting my radio show at the end of the summer. Without a co-host and without my old friends hanging around the station with me, I feel like the joy is gone. I'd keep on giving up all of my Saturdays if I still felt that sense of community OR had someone to give me a break every other week. Keeping the show from getting repetitive takes up a lot of time, especially when it's every Saturday. I find myself scrounging for longer songs to play, and that's just not very punk rock. I don't like having to make other arrangements when there's a show/party/road trip. Taping a show takes way more time than doing one live, and getting a fill-in host at that hour is tough.

I suspect the last few weeks will be filled with a lot of bands from the 90s... so I can go out the way I came in. I already know what the last song will be on the final show. I've known for a long time. Stay tuned.


Blogger Gary F said...

On one hand, I'm really sorry to hear about the end of your show. Wow. Truly the end of an era. I'm very, very proud to say that I actually appeared on your show all those years ago. And any time I've caught you show online I've thoroughly enjoyed it. After all those years of work you've put into it, you have every right to be proud.

On the other hand, I totally know that feeling when something has run its course. When you know something has had its time in the sun and now it's time to end it and move on. I've had this feeling with numerous zines, musical projects, collaborations, etc. You just know deep down when the time is right to pull the plug. That feeling you mention of "the joy being gone" is fucking painful. I totally hear where you are coming from.

Anyway, congrats on a long, excellent run!

2:42 AM  
Blogger the baron ash von foolishness said...

Thanks, my friend.

Off topic, I listened to both of those Copernicus albums again today. They're both so good. I want to play them for people but I don't know who! : )

3:03 AM  
Blogger Gary F said...

I actually received his latest disc "Disappearance" a little while ago. I must let you hear it some time. It's classic Copernicus....more rants about the sub-atomic world! :)

3:03 PM  
Blogger the baron ash von foolishness said...


10:07 PM  

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