Sunday, July 29, 2007


Arriving in Van we were graciously put up at the home of Tobe's sister. Some strategic power-napping was done, after which we were greeted with the most lavish home cooked meal of this tour, Seriously, this is the type of thing you'd eat in a fine restaurant, Damn! The hospitality we've encountered on tour has been phenomenal.

We headed down to the venue, curious as to what we'd find. We'd been told the bar was not in the worst part of downtown but "about a block away from it". We passed through Chinatown and headed west. It was still light out, but this was not an area I would have been excited about exploring on foot. I didn't have enough time to feel anything but desensitized.

Load-in was unremarkable. It was a punk rock bar, I think it's safe to say. Before the show, Tobe wanted to get a coffee, so we went to a nearby cafe. It was named after a large city in the Netherlands and had a very powerful ventilation system inside, as if it were designed to remove large amounts of smoke from the coffee shop. Interesting.

Back to the bar. Not really a punk type crowd on this night, save for D-rock&co. Our good friend Nicholas (who has done all of our album art to date) did the Djing, so the stage was set for an awesome rock and roll party. The opening bands were fantastic... we went on third, but something just didn't feel right. The teardown/setup time between the previous band and us seemed to drag on forever. I'm told we sounded muddy, but I take comments like that with a grain of salt when it comes to BB. We did B-dick, having long anticipated trying it out in drum-circle-land. It felt a little er... limp to me. And that's how we ended the set.

By the end, all I wanted to do was just be alone. This contradicted the feeling of wanting to hang with old friends, leaving me with a confused, tired feeling of blaaaah. There was really nothing to blame for our performance, I think we're all just in need of a battery recharge. I feel bad that this had to happen here, in front of people whe know in a city with such an awesome music scene. No one has any lingering bad feelings though. We'll just move on to the next town - Lethbridge, tomorrow night. We should have a pretty drive through the mountains to get there,


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