Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Obligatory Drinking-Related Post

My radio show will have a different host this weekend, I'm happy to announce. While I haven't lost any enthusiasm for the OIP, I like the idea of having the odd week off. This will be one such week, and if all goes well, there may be others. The point is: I'm going to *ahem* use my Saturday to the utmost. Unfortunately, it looks like rain, but I think we're going to barbecue anyway. Starting in the early afternoon. I'm thinking maybe a bunch of us will hit the farmers' market for supplies, swing by the store, then start the festivities.

Homebrew: its done fermenting. I'll bottle it soon, probably Friday. I have reason to believe this one will crack 12%.. In no less than two weeks we'll have a party to bust it out.

On a related note, I've come to the conclusion that brewing stronger ales takes a long time. What I think I'm going to do is get another glass carboy so I can brew two batches at a time; one will be one of those relatively easy kits, the other a more challenging project to be made from a recipe. With summer close at hand, we need to have a steady supply of light-ish beer. And that, I can provide.


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