Friday, February 09, 2007

Mental Illness

Mental illness is a sheer cliff into oblivion. All of us are placed at birth somewhere in proximity to the cliff's edge. Some never get to touch stable ground in their lifetimes. Others never come within sight of the cliff. Still others can see the edge, or are sitting on it, or hanging over it by their fingertips.

The circumstances of our lives can change where we stand in relation to the cliff. A person born near it can be pushed close to (or over) the edge under certain conditions. Those born far away can be pushed and pushed, but may never see the edge.

In some cases, someone born dangerously near the cliff's edge may actually be pushed out of danger by favorable circumstances in their lives. Less pleasant circumstances may have spelled their doom.

It is possible for a person to live on the edge of the cliff by developing certain survival skills. Strong limbs and a keen awareness of danger, and how to avoid or mitigate it, are the skills one needs to survive under such conditions.


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