Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Day

Last night I had an awesome time... so you knew I was going to have to pay today. Not in the sense of being hung over (but that too). No, there was even more.

We decided to get my couch out of storage and refurbish the living room with a new TV holder/shelf from the VV. This would require me to rent and drive a big truck. Adventure!

C.S. Panther, Dyn-o-mite and Jenny Terrestrial came along to help out. We got what we needed, did some extra shopping, then headed home in the rental truck. It was quite the noisy beast. We got the shit in and I attempted to gas up the truck and bring it back. It died at the gas station. Oh-oh. I called the office and they gave me the number of their local mechanic. No answer. Tried the emergency roadside assistance number provided by the (very well-known) company. A guy asked me to describe the problem. Upon doing this, I was forwarded to an automated message saying "It sounds like your battery is dead. Ask someone for a jump". WTF?? I know the fucking battery is dead, send someone to fix it already! You own the damn thing, not me!

Luckily, I have a roadside assistance plan of my own. THAT company knew what they were doing. After a half hour wait in the truck one of their reps showed up and gave me a jump. He figured the alternator was shot and that I wasn't likely to make it back to the rental place. I called the local office again and asked them what to do. They said I should try and make it if I could (my car was still out there), but if not to call back and we'd play it by ear from there. In the end I did make it back, and the $100 rental fee was waived. Score! I used some of the money I saved to roll out the veggie burgers and onion rings for my helpful associates. Good times abound.

Next, it was on to the business of redoing the living room. Much discussion occurred, but we finally settled on a nice arrangement. Some little tables had to be sacrificed as well as the hair chair.

But now, we have a much more spacious, pleasant and party-friendly living room. My couch is comfortable as fuck, as C.S. Panther is learning in the picture below.

The old couch is not really bent like that. My panoramic splicing was a little off. I think it's kind of cool though. Reminds me of Esher in a weird way. Wouldn't it be neat if there were more odd little bends in reality?

On that note, I say for the record that the only things in this picture that I own are the green couch and the lava lamp.


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