Sunday, November 26, 2006

No Ages Show

BB played twice yesterday; an early all ages show followed by one in a bar. I had been kind of depressed all day. Physically due to excessive partying the night before, and emotionally probably for the same reason.

I like all ages shows more when a lot of older people show up. Someone my age cannot do much "browsing" unless this is the case. Come on, we all like to look at attractive people dressed up for a night out.

I noticed one girl at the early show whose age I could not easily estimate. I wasn't sure if I should feel ashamed or not. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself. I've reached the point where a pretty girl without a compelling personality loses my (romantic) attention almost immediately - and those who pass this level are almost all well over 20 years old. Anyway, this situation made me feel even more bummed out than I already was. Not surprisingly, I didn't enjoy our set very much. The kids all stayed far away from us, and it made me care that much less. Oh well. On to the bar.

The second venue was packed, and the audience was right in our face. I could hear everyone else in the band and we played pretty well. During one song I rocked out flirtatiously for a cute girl who was standing near me. I was far enough away from her that she might not have understood what was going on. Then she moved to another part of the room before our set was over. I always second guess doing stuff like that after the fact. Maybe she found it weird, or didn't clue in at all. Nevertheless, rock and roll is all about sexuality, and the fact is I play a lot better with a muse, anonymous or not.

I was exhausted and still hung over from Friday, so I wanted to go home right after we played. I thought I'd do some followup first. I stood semi-near the cute girl for the next band to see if a smile or some eye contact would float my way. Neither did, despite my psychic urgings. So I went home. Some good came of it though. By staying for this reason I got to hear a band I might not otherwise have checked out, and they were actually pretty good.


Blogger UberDestructinator said...

You should write a book, Derrick. You have very unique experiences and an original mind.

10:03 PM  

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